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Virtual Production Test Studio
Experience Precision, Before Production

Our Test Studio offers a customized, cost-effective solution for perfecting
virtual content on LED walls, ensuring alignment with your production’s vision.


Dive Into Pre-Production Excellence

What Is A Virtual Production Test Studio

The Virtual Production Test Studio by Scarab Digital is a service that enables productions to test their virtual production content on a wall before the day of their shoot. This allows productions to experiment with and refine visual elements, ensuring seamless integration into the final project.

How Does It Work

Featuring LED technology and expert support, our test studio provides a controlled setting to troubleshoot and adjust virtual environments. This ensures that every visual element is polished and perfectly aligned with the camera’s perspective, seamlessly merging real and virtual worlds on screen.

Key Features

Allowing for comprehensive testing of various scenes and setups.

Technical Precision

Equipped with camera tracking and visualization tools, our studio ensures that your virtual production meets the highest standards of quality and realism.

Expert Guidance

Benefit from our team’s deep expertise in virtual production, offering personalized support to navigate technical challenges and creative explorations.

Visual Showcase


Browse our curated gallery to witness the diverse array of productions that have come to life
with Scarab’s contribution within our studio, each telling a unique story through the
lens of Scarab Digital’s innovative technology.


Our test studio offers potencial cost and time savings.

Cost-Effective Planning

Save on production costs by identifying and solving technical and creative challenges early in the pre-production phase.

Time Efficiency

Reduce delays and streamline your production schedule by ensuring all virtual elements are ready and refined before principal photography begins.

Creative Assurance

Achieve unparalleled creative control and confidence, knowing your virtual environments are precisely what you envisioned.

Technical Validation

Ensure that your content looks exceptional on the LED walls and is technically sound and ready for seamless integration into your production.

Realize Your Vision With Precision

Offering a specialized environment for testing and perfecting your project’s virtual elements. Scarab helps you transform your creative vision into reality accurately and efficiently.